Social Media Marketing

Build a content strategy game plan and connect with more customers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and more! 


Social Media Audits

How do you define success on social media? Is it having more followers, likes, shares or retweets?

We'll conduct a comprehensive social media audit to track performance metrics and identify your target customers, so you know how they interact on your platforms and can engage them with the type of content they want.

Vector illustration of a woman holding social media stats, with an iPad behind her showing a pie chart.
Vector illustration of a woman on her laptop creating blog posts, while sitting on megaphone with coins stacked next to it.


Paid Social

Paying for ads on social media takes strategic planning and monitoring. Our specialists will help you create eye-catching campaigns that target and engage customers. 

We'll help you select the best bids, optimize and manage your ads and analyze the competition, so you maximize investments and save money.


Content Marketing Specialists

Looking for experience in organic vs. paid social media, or both? Our team can build an integrated content marketing strategy that aligns with your brand messaging and positions you as a thought leader or influencer.

In addition to social media strategy, we offer the following content writing services:

  • Blog Writing Services
  • Email Marketing & Eblasts
  • SEO & On-page Optimization
  • Copywriting
Vector illustration of man and woman consulting in an office about digital marketing.

©2021 East Shore Marketing. All Rights Reserved. Website by Clokendagger®

©2021 East Shore Marketing. All Rights Reserved. Website by Clokendagger®