Digital Advertising Services

Serving clients in various industries, East Shore Marketing delivers integrated marketing solutions tailored to your business goals. Using custom dashboard reporting, we'll optimize your campaigns to reach more customers and generate new leads.

Paid Digital Advertising

Looking to advertise on Google, Amazon or Facebook? We'll develop measurable ad campaigns to ensure you're only bidding on competitive keywords that promise a greater CTR without the high price tag.

Vector illustration of a man on his laptop, with an iPad and line graph behind him, and coins stacked next him.
Vector illustration of a woman with a megaphone looking up at website ads on a laptop with coins stacked next to her.

PPC Management

PPC may push your campaigns to the top of the SERPs, but are they showing up to the right users? Learn how to spend strategically and measure success from our team of PPC experts. We'll develop an effective PPC strategy that's cost effective and backed by real-time data.

Media Planning & Buying

Need help navigating the media landscape? Our media planning and buying services utilize the most
advanced audience targeting technologies, so your ads are seen by the right customers to drive more traffic to your website.

Vector illustration of a man and woman filling in a calendar with project deadlines.
Vector illustration of a woman holding social media stats, with an iPad behind her showing a pie chart.

Social Media Marketing

Gain followers and attract creative influencers with organic and paid social advertising. Our strategists can help you manage campaigns and connect with more customers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and more!

The Rockwell Museum logo

"I’ve really appreciated working with East Shore Marketing throughout my time at The Rockwell. They are creative and thoughtful, data-driven and down-to-earth, and have kept The Rockwell up to date with digital marketing trends. Their well-established relationships and expertise in creating a well-rounded marketing plan prove invaluable every year!"

Willa Vogel | Marketing Manager | The Rockwell Museum | A Smithsonian Affiliate

Video Marketing

Boost your search rankings on the world's second largest search engine. Video advertising on YouTube can significantly grow your customer following. Learn how to plan and launch effective video campaigns and introduce AR experiences to your customers.

Vector illustration of a woman shooting a video on her phone, while sitting on top of a desktop computer.
Vector illustration of a man and woman looking up at a billboard ad, while waiting for a train.

OOH Advertising

We live in a fast paced world, which means customers are moving in all different directions. Grab their attention with effective OOH ads that tell your brand's story and increase traffic impressions.

Digital Audio Advertising

With new technologies emerging, it's even easier to stream your ads to millions of listeners. We'll help you keep customers tuning in with engaging ad campaigns that span podcast ads, YouTube ads, and more.

Vector illustration of an ipad and megaphone with social media icons.
Vector illustration of a man holding a magnifying glass up to a pie chart.

Reporting & Analytics

Feel like you're drowning in data? Imagine having all your campaigns and Google Analytics in one custom report. Our advanced dashboard reporting allows you to track ad performance across every channel—anytime, anywhere!

Strategy & Consulting

Improve your marketing tactics with our team of digital advertising specialists. We have the tools and experience to get your campaigns noticed and help you save on marketing spend, year over year.

Vector illustration of man and woman consulting in an office about digital marketing.

Let's Connect

Partner with an experienced advertising agency in the Finger Lakes region. We'll help you build better campaigns that target the right customers across multiple media channels.

©2021 East Shore Marketing. All Rights Reserved. Website by Clokendagger®

©2021 East Shore Marketing. All Rights Reserved. Website by Clokendagger®